
A New Approach to Storage Management Restrictions Using the “Data Quality” Concept

Koby Biller
Storage management is the control of the capacity, policy and events in storage devices. Its purpose is to achieve maximum efficiency when allocating or deleting files, while always retaining an accurate view of the repository. Storage management was developed along with the development of storage devices to solve new problems that might be encountered withnew storage technologies and software changes. One technique developed to increase storage availability even when storage utilization has increased is “Disk Fragmentation”. Fragmentation was invented to split file allocation within the storage device in such a way that there would always be free space for new files if the device capacitywas not fully used. The fragmentation concept works perfectly with a new device, but over time the fragments of free space become very small and every file is split into smaller fragments. The effort to access an existing file is added to the effort of finding available fragments, and the result is a delay in the service. Excessive fragmentation of data in storage devicescarries with it a restriction which represents amajor problem underlying computer slowdown andother unpredictable storage-related symptoms. Thispaper presents the “Data Quality” approach,which measures the above restriction on the basis of research performed during the period 2005 to 2008, in which wesurveyed theeffectiveness of ourpatented method for measuring thequality of data affected by diskfragmentation. The approach incorporates a novel way to managefragmented data using file system statistics. We show clear advantages over the current alternatives such asreplacing the device or “hard-wiping” it. Furthermore, we present a unified scale that allows comparison of data quality on an organization-wide level.
Disk Fragmentation; Preventive Maintenance; Data Disorder Measurement; Defragmentation; Storage Management
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