
N-Screen Provenance-Based Security Enforcement in mHealth

Richard K. Lomotey; Ralph Deters
The use of mobile devices in the health domain (known as mHealth) to access the Electronic Health Record is gaining significant attention. Physicians are facilitated to access the medical data remotely and also run diagnosis in critical situations where the mobile usage is paramount. When the medical data or application is hosted on mobile devices (e.g., smartphones, tablets, etc.), it creates the need to provide protection against impostors. In the event that the mobile device ends up in the wrong hands, there can be undesired situations such as breach of privacy, impersonation, and the pollution of data. Moreover, physicians are facilitated today to use multiple mobile devices (n-screen) such as smartphones and tablets; and this requires serious attention on how user activity is tracked to ensure confidentiality. In this work, the methodology of provenance is explored to ensure that data access control in an mHealth environment is provided. Provenance is a methodology that maintains the life-cycle history of processes and data. The methodology is investigated and a variation of it that blends with policy-based access control in a mobile distributed environment is proposed. The preliminary results from testing the work showed high transparency in accessing the medical data, data protection, and security.
Provenance; Mobile Devices; Proxy; Rule-Based Access Control; Security; N-Screens
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