
Assessing the Impact of Stakeholder Engagement in Management Strategy Evaluation

Rebecca Gorton; Peta Dzidic; Geoff Syme; Rich L Little; Kelly L Chapman; Fabio Boschetti; Tod Jones; Elizabeth A. Fulton; Miriana Sporcic; William de la Mare
After completing a large, regional, multi-use Management Strategy Evaluation, we attempt to assess the impact of stakeholder engagement on the project. We do so by comparing the original project plan to the actual project development and highlight the changes which can be more directly related to stakeholder engagement. The impact can be summarised into four broad classes: a) a measurable change in the network of interactions both among researchers and stakeholders; b) changes in how the computer model was developed and run; c) changes in attitudes both among researchers and stakeholders and d) change in the actual project development. We discuss these changes, the way they have been detected and some lessons we learnt which may benefit future Management Strategy Evaluation projects.
Management Strategy Evaluation; Adaptive Management; Environmental Modelling; Socio-ecological Modelling; Stakeholder Engagementects.
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