
Beta Oscillationsduring an Auditory Oddball Attention Task: a Wavelet Transforms (WT) Study

J. M. Abdullah; F.A. Begum; F. Reza; T. Begum
Being the fast activity in electrooculogram (EEG) comparing alpha, theta and delta waves, beta signal is also playing an important role in the cognitive function. The oddball paradigm is widely applied to the investigation of cognitive function in neuroscience. Whether higher education effects cortical oscillation in the normal subject can predict the elicited oddball event-related potential (ERP) is still not clear. This study explored the relationship between different educational level and beta oscillation of oddball ERPs by suing wavelet transform (WT) method. Sixteen subjects were recruited as 2 groups to the high and low education groups (8 in each group) with 2 different auditory stimuli (standard and target stimuli). Our results show that no significant changes occurred in the beta activity. Therefore it means that education have no special influence on beta oscillations for the first lap as mismatch negativity (MMN) is not refined.
Beta Oscillation, Stimuli, WT, Education, Auditory Oddball.
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