About the Journal
Advanced Shipping and Ocean Engineering (ASOE) is a peer-reviewed, free online journal, devoted
to supporting a global medium for knowledge of theoretical, experimental and applicable
studies related to the fields of shipping and ocean engineering. Multidisciplinary
researches are much welcome.
publishes original articles, preliminary notes, developing reviewed papers and researching
letters, technical reports and short communications in all areas of shipping and
ocean engineering. Contributors include researchers and practitioners in industry,
government, academe and other related organizations.
1. The full-text versions of each article can be downloaded for free.
2. ASOE has the resources on hand to publish papers quickly and efficiently.
3. It enjoys wide readership, and open access publishing can significantly improve
the number of paper cites.
Journal news:
ASOE now is a member of CrossRef and has joined CrossCheck to fight against plagiarism. Ensure high ethical standards for all of the submitted papers.
Since December 2014, ASOE has stopped all publication activity and receiving new papers.