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Publication Procedure
The following items provide a publishing summary of the WAP Conference Series: Information Science and Technology.

1. Submit a quote online. The Conference Organizers should fill in the online quote form and receive an e-mail containing a quote reference number.
2. The Steering Committee for WAP Conference Series: Information Science and Technology will review the details of your conference and make a final decision to publish your conference proceedings.
3. If your conference proposal is accepted by the steering committee, the conference series team will contact the conference organizers in regards to contractual issues, including pricing and services to be provided.
4. After any further discussions we will send you a publishing agreement, which will contain all the details and terms of publication.
5. We will both sign the contract. Or if not acceptable to both parties, we will continue further negotiations.
6. The Conference Organizers will call for papers, review the papers, and make an acceptance decision.
7. The Conference Organizers will collect all of the copyrights, which will then be transferred to the World Academic Publishing, Ltd.
8. The Conference Organizers shall transfer all the documents including copyright forms, preface, all papers, table of content, and cover pages by FTP or e-mail.
9. The Steering Committee makes the final decision to publish the papers or not based on the results of the peer review process. The committee has right to cancel the publishing if the conference organizers fail to obey the peer review rules.
10. The company will publish the papers in print and online, and also send the content to third-party partners such as, IngentaConnect, SwetsWise, EBSCOHost EJS (Header data only), FirstSearchECO, CrossRef, ArticleFinder.
11. The company will also send the content to be possibly indexed by third parties such as Web of Science, K-Finder, The Guide to Computing Literature, Google Scholar, and Ei Compendex.


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